

Voc. Pischiello, 20

06065 Passignano sul Trasimeno (Perugia)


+39 075 8298 501

14 Giu 2022

ART SKILL ACADEMY: A space where corporate culture flourishes.

ART SKILL ACADEMY:  A space where corporate culture flourishes.

ART is a fast-growing company, and in the last three years alone it has seen a doubling of its workforce. This has highlighted the need to adopt a new approach towards the continuous development of People.

In this brief interview with Emanuela Bernardini Head of Organization Development and
Andrea Narciso Head of Innovation Department, let’s explore the project ART SKILL ACADEMY.



1- What is the project ART Skill Academy?


Rather than a project, we will call it a journey: a journey that has lead us a long way from its beginnings and that is now beginning to bear fruit. In the last three years our company has seen an exponential increase in personnel, which, combined with the changing environment in which we live, is making it necessary to develop certain best-practices including the need for lifelong learning. Today more than ever, it is not only professional qualifications that are important, but increasingly, the human qualities that make us act as a cohesive and united team.

ART SKILL ACADEMY has as its primary objective to train People to deal with uncertainty and complexity. ART is experiencing a moment of development and transformation, which will also affect the work organization model. In order to make this growth sustainable for everyone, ART is providing its People with a space and a place where they can meet and grow also through the exchange and integration of diversity.



2- Who is the initiative aimed at?


All of us ART employees, the particularity of this initiative is precisely that it seeks to involve as many people as possible. We have always believed in the need to create a space where people can meet and grow, and this initiative is relevant to ART but above all to the people who populate it. We seek to provide those tools that allow the individual to grow

and then make our orga

nization stronger and more adaptive to the changes that are our constant.



3- What courses are planned?


Academy has two souls, the technical soul (Tech ART) and the human soul (Human ART). The technical experience is aimed at sharing not only what we do and how we do it, but also why we do it: the essence of doing in ART. The human experience is aimed at the Person, it is designed to make the culture that binds us as a team flourish. The Human catalogue is already structured, it includes 11 courses, one of which has been chosen by the company for everyone: “Proactive Mindset – Training for uncertainty and complexity”.



4- What are the benefits a person can gain from participating in the various courses?


This, we believe, is the question we feel happiest to answer. We hope and, we firmly believe, that participation in these initiatives is a first step towards the cultural changes that needs to be promoted in ART and that can be fostered by internalizing the concept of shared responsibility and the culture of error. Strengthening the workforce to consolidate the company’s solidity, a path that has people at its heart and, first and foremost, the quality of their lives. A company is neither better nor worse than those who work in it, it is an act of responsibility towards our community.


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